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Giving Back

We are proud to share some of the organizations we are able to support with our humble company. It has provided us with amazing opportunities and now the chance to give back to the communities we love. Scroll down to see some of our current/past charities and events and non-profit organizations we have supported!

We have also supported other smaller local organizations with donations and gift cards used for fundraising and door prizes at events.


In 2020 we discovered CEPIA and made a donation to help support their efforts. CEPIA is a Costarican nationally accredited non-profit organization that since 2005 promotes culture, educational and labor opportunities, mental and physical health, participation and social cohesion of children and teenagers and their families from poor backgrounds in the communities of Guanacaste, Costa Rica.



The Costa Rican Humanitarian Foundation. The CRHF  is a non-profit organization committed to developing creative and economical solutions to a wide range of social problems in Costa Rica. The CRHF provides opportunities to exchange friendship, goods, services, and financial resources for critical needs among different cultures, socio-economic classes, and language groups. Please click here to learn more or to make a donation.

Charity of Autism Spectrum

The last couple of years we were proud to support the local Charity of Autism Spectrum  Events in Hampton Roads! We have donated a surfboard to help raise funds in their Charity Easter Auction. Check out their facebook page for more information on the event and the organization.


FM99 Christmas Wish Fund

Growing up in Virginia Beach, listening to FM99 through grade school, we always appreciated the FM99 Christmas Wish Fund and how it had such an impact in our local community, particularly to those that never expected it and often at a time when it was needed most. We are proud that we are now in a position to help support this amazing effort. Click the image below if you'd like to donate!



One Ocean. One Mission. Support 4Ocean and get your bracelet today! Each purchase helps fund removal of trash from our oceans around the world. Check out their video below and click here for more info! Stop by the shop and pick up one of 4Ocean's bracelets and help contribute to their mission of making the oceans plastic free!

Susan G Komen

Support the Susan G Komen Tidewater charity and have some fun surfing and helping to find a cure for cancer. In the past couple years, Tamarindo Board Co has donated surfboards and other items for the silent auction. To check out the event and webpage click here.

surf for the cure.jpg

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Call Now: 757-550-4057

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 Tamarindo Board Company

315 Great Bridge Blvd. Unit H
Chesapeake, VA

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