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The Marbella is an all-around or hybrid shaped board that is great for flatwater paddling and can handle some surf. The nose is a rounded planning hull designed to provide maximum paddle power and to glide or plane over top of the water as opposed to cutting through. The Marbella comes in several sizes to accommodate different riders as well as intended use.


The Marbella has an EPS foam core, 3 layers of fiberglass and epoxy resin, bamboo wood veneers on the deck and bottom for added strength and appeal, a carbon fiber reinforced deck in the standing area of the board and a layer of Kevlar around the rails from nose to tail. The carbon fiber deck reinforcement helps to reduce pressure dings from heels, knees, etc. that can form over time. The Kevlar rails add an extra layer of strength on the rails where most impacts occur. It comes with 3 removable fins, plenty of bungee tie downs for your gear, a deep center hand grip for an easy grab and carry, maintenance free vent plug and a camera mount on the nose to catch the action.

Marbella was named after Playa Marbella which is about an hour south of Tamarindo in Costa Rica. Marbella translates to “Beautiful Sea” but the local beach there is officially called Playa Frijolar, which means “Bean Field”.


Price and availability vary by size. Pricing Increases $25 every 6 inches in length.

9'6" x 30" x 4.5" 157L 20.6lbs
10'x31x4.75 174L 23.6lbs
10'6x31x4.75 188L 24lbs
11"x32x5 216L 27.2lbs


Note: boards are fiberglassed, sanded and polished by hand. Weights are approximate and can vary a little from board to board.


A more experienced SUP surfer will want a smaller size, but a beginner, or someone just looking for flat water paddling will want the larger size for increased stability.


PriceFrom $1,074.00

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     Tamarindo Board Company

    315 Great Bridge Blvd. Unit H
    Chesapeake, VA

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